Pokemon unbound guide
Pokemon unbound guide

pokemon unbound guide

Also unlike most protagonists, you actually do get to see your dad, well, sort of. You can however, acquire Red's hat and his outfit after trading with him twice. Breaking Old Trends: Unlike most Pokémon protagonists, you do not have a Nice Hat.takes place during a thunderstorm, so the battle has permanent rain. Battle in the Rain: Your second battle against Marlon at Thundercap Mt.One Mission also sees the Player team up with Tessy in Cootes Bog, to drive out the Terror Granbull causing havoc there.Two NPCs can also be teamed up with on separate Missions, although functionally they are both identical - they're Poké Kids with Pikachu as their partner.The Player also joins up with Ace at Crystal Peak, close to the climatic confrontation with the Big Bad.Marlon is also teamed up with for a battle against Véga and a Light of Ruin Grunt (or just Véga on Expert Difficulty and above).You team up with Jax twice, at Cinder Volcano and at Route 9.Bash Brothers: The Player teams up with several Trainers over the course of the story, with six different partners, three of which are part of the main story.Bad Liar: During the interrogation by Zeph after being kidnapped at Crater Town, the Player tries telling him they weren't following anyone's orders during the Cinder Volcano incident, but Zeph doesn't believe them, saying that they're barely even trying to think of a more plausible lie.Heck, the first time we see the Player, the game opens with them being whisked away from their bed!

pokemon unbound guide

  • Badass in Distress: Despite their status as The Ace, they do get transported elsewhere against their will a LOT (up to and including: the Shadows' Base, a hiding place at Cinder Volcano, then the KBT south of Crater Town, the Ruins of Void, Cube Space, and the Distortion World).
  • The motorcycle is functionally the same as the bicycle though, just letting you travel around faster, but your motorcycle also has a turbo boost function, letting you travel around really fast. Rather than just get a regular bicycle, defeating the Black Emboar not only yields you a motorcycle, the gang even renames themselves after you, which would indeed make you part of a biker gang.


  • Badass Biker: In a first for the main series note Wes counts as this, but he's part of a side series, you are this.
  • That said, even if you're working with criminals, you're still helping take down another set of criminals, namely the Black Ferrothorn. However, after defeating the Black Emboar's leader, they name the gang after you, take a liking to you, and you're able to help them do some shady stuff like smuggling and theft. You are on the side of good, and you're always putting a stop to villains and criminals, like the Shadows and the various gangs throughout Borrius like the Black Emboar and Terror Granbull. At the end of the main story, they are this to Jax as well, having beaten him to become the new Champion.
  • Always Someone Better: The Player is this to Ace, since they, with the possible exception of the first bout at Frozen Heights, must defeat him to progress through the game—over and over and over again.
  • At least, up until a raid gone wrong forces the gang to disband, leaving you to carry on their legacy. You even carry out several Missions for them in Antisis City, and are considered by far to be the best battler in the gang.
  • Almighty Janitor: You become this, once the Black Emboar accept you into their gang, with even the leader James renaming it after you.
  • pokemon unbound guide

    It's to a point where you seem to be helping your partners and friends, rather than the other way around - something Lampshaded by Jax (and Ivory during her boss battle on Route 9, on higher difficulties).

  • The Ace: Despite being a newbie trainer, they aid in defeating the Shadows and the Light of Ruin, fight and defeat several legendaries, often back-to-back without rest, and succeed the previous Champion.
  • After suddenly being warped into the base of the Shadows by Hoopa, you uncover a mysterious plot that threatens all of Borrius. Concept art by Phosie P, designed by trietnio:

    Pokemon unbound guide